Thursday 2 April 2009

Nice Boys

Do they actually exist?

I was reading some comments on YouTube, it was a debate about whether or not Mecca is the centre of the world, and--as you might expect--a few Muslims had left some comments. One of the men had posted the extremely legitimate argument that 'Christian' or 'Western' men were all obsessed with sex, incapable of being gentlemen, etc. As he phrased it, 'every time I go into work, it's "oh I banged this one, I had sex with that one" -- even the geeks are like this' (rough rough rough paraphrase).

He's not wrong, is he?

How many of you, yes you, you geeks and nerds and other types of 'nice' boys I hang out with, how many of you have NEVER had sex with a girl you weren't crazy about, just because, well, she said okay? I know, it's not that you meant to hurt her. You mostly/probably/kinda tried to make everything clear from the beginning. If she got too emotionally involved with you, well, it's not your fault, is it? What are you meant to do about it, repeatedly rub her face in the fact that you don't care about her all that much? That'd just be cruel, right? Right?

Right. Sure. Of course it would be.

Why don't you guys just keep it up. Keep fucking around, keep shagging every vulnerable girl you can get your greasy grabby paws on, keep lying and dissembling and avoiding the truth, keep short-changing every nice girl who feels a spark of anything genuine for you, and one day, when you're old and sick and pissing your fucking pants at the thought of dying alone, it'll serve you right.

Or. You'll meet me (or someone like me) and you'll wish you'd played nice from the start.

Men. Fucking silly stupid thoughtless men. You think you're the only ones who can fake being in love.

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