Thursday 27 November 2008



Sometimes, you write something, and then you're just embarrassed.

Suffice it to say I was having a really bad day on Tuesday. Which is not what I'm embarassed about--everyone has bad days, and shit luck, and I've had more than my fair share lately, plus my genetic predisposition to depression even when things are peachy--but the way I put it down was just so trite.

Boo hoo, life is unfair. Waaaah, men are shallow and sex-driven. Oh noes, I feel like I'm dying/already dead.


If I'd been auditioning to be the chorus of a My Chemical Romance song, it would've sounded better. But as it is, my obvious low mood and general fed-upness, which have proven themselves to be about as unique as my cheesy pop sensibilities, just read like more of the same boring shite (and I haven't even rhymed and set them to a snappy tune).

I can't believe I actually wrote an entire entry on the unfairness of life. Surely that's been said enough. Surely it's been felt enough, by enough people. Surely my comments on the subject are superfluous.

Then again, I defend the right of anyone to say/think/write/feel anything they need to, so maybe I'm being too hard on myself. Still, I'd be more impressed--or at least less unimpressed--if I'd managed to make my last entries sound a little less, well, whiny.

You know what I mean. A sonnet about slitting my throat. An all-men-suck haiku. A short story about aloneness. Not just, "Waaah, I'm so unhappy, why doesn't anyone care, lookit me lookit me I'm gonna stick my head in the oven."

Anyways. I'll work on that. No need to make people read reconstituted drivel, especially when they're taking the time to read my blog.

Which someone did (someone other than the 1 person who usually reads this). Which was surprising and nice. He's part of the reason I'm back on here today, instead of... well... writing a suicide sonnet.

So now I'm going to head right back to the other side of the sloppy sentimental spectrum, and send Kiri--I suppose I can use that, it's not even his real name, I hope he doesn't mind--lots and lots of hugs *sends hugs* Thanks, Kiri. You really cheered me up.

Why do I sound like I'm being sarcastic??? I'm so being serious, and I even sound sarcastic to myself. Nevermind that. My thank-you stands. But I'm going now, before I start singing, 'I Just Called to Say I Love You,' or some other, equally pants, love song.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm... yeeeeesssssssss... Tuesday did seem a bit... ummm... angst-laden