Wednesday 19 November 2008

'Friend' -ship

Why is it that the most insensitive, most hurtful, most thoughtless people in the world, are always the ones who can't handle the truth about themselves?

I've been talking to one of my 'friends' again. She's been giving me grief for not leaving my insignificant other. Worse, she insinuated I was a liar when I said I couldn't get a council house.

So I basically told her she has no idea what she's talking about, nor any idea what it's like to be in my position--she doesn't, she's both surrounded by family and from a financially-comfortable background, and also has the advantage of being a citizen of this country--and bam, I get an abusive text full of 'shite's and 'fuck's and 'piss off's.

I am beginning to see a pattern developing here. The majority of 'friends' I have made in this country are selfish, self-serving, self-absorbed shits, with no respect for others' feelings and the empathy of a serial killer. To put it another way, I have bad taste in men, and worse taste in friends, at least lately.

This friend of mine, the one who always has a 'suggestion' of what I should do, who's so eager to help me... I have a four-month-old son she's never even seen. 2 weeks after he was born, 10 stitches in my ass, unable to sit down for a 2-hour stretch, I managed to make it to her wedding, and in the 3+ months since, she hasn't managed to drop by my house for an hour to meet my newest arrival. It's like she's so pissed off that I left her house--long story short, I briefly left my partner and then returned home last year--she doesn't want to have anything to do with any of the results of my return home (i.e. my youngest child).

She can fuck right off. She can just sit on a tack. No matter what she says about her own pathetically simple and meaningless problems (boo hoo, I eat 3,000 Calories a day, I want to kill myself because I'm a lard-ass) I offer support and encouragement, while she berates me for not making the choices SHE thinks I should make. She backs me into a corner until I feel I really have to defend myself against her slander, and then she bitches me out for daring to disagree with her make-believe version of events. Every time we have a disagreement, she not only refuses to try to understand my point of view, but insist that she's absolutely right in her opinion, regardless of how misinformed it is.

Sometimes I really think she's just thick as pigshit. Then I realise, no, she's bright enough to overcome her erratic, illogical, insulting, hurtful, narrow-minded behaviour--she just chooses not to.

Well fuck her, then.

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