Monday 3 November 2008

Nazi Britain

Do you know, sometimes I can’t stand this fascist country. It’s beyond restrictive; it’s ridiculous. Appalling. Downright terrifying.
Everyone’s seen the whole Jonathan Ross/Russell Brand thing, right? If not, basically they made a prank phone call on the air, and it’s been blown out of proportion. Of course it’s not nice to leave an answer phone message saying you’ve fucked someone’s granddaughter, etc—but that’s what makes it so funny. How amusing would it be if the message went like this?

Jonathan Ross: Hi Andrew, just letting you know, we’ll be popping round later for a cup of tea with your granddaughter.
Russell Brand: Yes, Georgina’s a lovely girl. Really can’t wait to see her again.
JR: Right, that was it, thanks.
RB: Cheerio now.


It’s not like this has never occurred before. Loads of ordinary folks get pranked on radio all the time, and most of them just laugh it off. I find it difficult to comprehend that anyone, especially someone who has a reasonable amount of money and a highly-respected position in the British television community, can’t just ignore a little fun being had at their expense. For godsake. It’s how he made his name in TV in the first place.
I suppose some people think it’s less degrading to be called an imbecile a thousand times in a comedy show, than it is to have your granddaughter paid the (admittedly base) compliment of being told Russell Brand would like to/has fucked her.
Personally, I’d be flattered. Especially if I went round looking, as it happens, like a satanic slut in the first place.
But that’s neither here nor there. The problem isn’t so much that Georgina Baillie was offended—it’s the response of the tens of thousands of people who belatedly jumped on the bandwagon and called in/wrote/etc, to say they were offended too, the mindless sheep. It’s Andrew Sachs, using his standing and influence to have Russell and Jonathan punished. It’s Ofcom calling the BBC and saying this will not be tolerated. FFS.
You can’t have a supersized McDonald’s because it’s bad for you, in this country. You can’t watch a naughty film before 9 p.m. In a few years, we’ll all have I.D. cards, which we’ll have to carry around everywhere with us, because you never know, EVERYONE might just be a terrorist.
When are we going to wake up and realise that we live in what is basically becoming Nazi Germany? With everything decided for us, our personal freedoms are just slipping away. It’s horrifying. I don’t know what can be done about it, but something should be.

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