Saturday 19 September 2009


There are a few coming up.

I have some stuff to buy. Cards, maybe a small gift or two, you know. That sort of thing. But there is the teensiest, tiniest problem, with this whole gift-purchasing idea:

What do you get your ex-husband for his birthday? Ideas suggest themselves, but I'm not sure how good they are... a card? A multi-pack of Durex? A yearly subscription to Playboy? It all seems a bit too little, for a man I spent 8+ years with, and at the same time, it's a bit too much. I am left with no genuinely good ideas, and that's not even the worst bit. Even worse than buying for my ex-husband, it's his mother's birthday this month as well. Now really, what DO you get your, I guess 'ex' mother-in-law? Seeing as she's your ex-husband's actual mother, does she even *want* anything from you? Or will it be returned un-opened? Thrown straight in the bin? Burned, as part of a voodoo ritual, in the garden? And how much is too much, to spend on a gift that you're actually fairly certain won't be welcome?

I'm thinking I'll go with a card, on both fronts. Easy to find, versatile, personal, and friendly, all without crossing any kind of weird line.

Not that there's a line on my side, really. I want us all to get along, and be groovy-groovy friends, and send each other Christmas and birthday cards and even small presents when the occasion warrants. But there's a suspicion, sneakily creeping around at the back of my mind, that that might be asking too much (at least for now).

But hey. Maybe next year, yeah?

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