Thursday 7 May 2009

All kidding aside

I'm not in a bad mood, today. He Who Must Not Be Named and I have reached a temporary truce, and for the moment, I'm just looking forward to enjoying my weekend. (Which is proof positive that you guys ought to provide me with a British passport, no questions asked--I have officially been in England long enough, that I now possess the ability to switch off and be a lazy good-for-nothing the last 2 days of any week during which I have upcoming plans.) I'm so ashamed... but it goes back to that whole eat, drink and be merry thing. Maybe I could eat a little less, lol, but I'm going to be merry this weekend (if I have to drink myself into a coma to do it).

I'm just so tired, you know? Worn out. I need a boost (GREAT, so you're gonna down loads of a depressant substance to help you do that, stellar idea) and, mood-lifts aside, I need to relax, so I'm going to do it the good old-fashioned way. Or, 'better living through pharmaceuticals,' as my stepdad always used to say. Not that alcohol is technically a pharmaceutical--and what wouldn't I give for a blister-pack of 40mg codeine, now there's a high you don't want to come down from--but, we must make do with what we have, right? Right.

10 pints of cider and a 6-pack of alcopops, here I come.

AND. Even better, I have the world's MOST Designated Driver all lined up to ferry me to and fro, all across the Northeast, to as many different bars as I like... and he's *SUCH* a gentleman, he wouldn't take advantage of a drunk girl if she walked up to him and stuck her hand down his pants.

Lol. Although maybe I should try that. Nothing like corrupting the incorruptible.

But all kidding aside (as the title of this post says) I just want to go out and have some fun. Cut loose. Let my hair down. (Have a cliche, lol.) And with a little money, a little time out of the house, and well, just a little (if you don't get the joke, don't worry about it)... I'm all set.

If I'm not too fat to fit into my going-out clothes...

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