Wednesday 29 July 2009

General Update

Just what it says on the tin. This is a general update, done in the style of bulletpoints, for those rare and special few who actually read all this and give a flying frog how I am.

  • I am nearly divorced. Should all be official on August 25th, and while there are *lots* of things to ponder with regards to that, I truly think it's for the best.
  • My soon-to-be-ex-husband and I are actually getting along alright now. He's still a twat, and so am I, but we're trying to be downright amiable with each other, and some progress is being made.
  • It's been long enough to tell now, and I feel confident in saying my kids are groovy. I will not claim that this is a result of my husband leaving; on the other hand, I'm less stressed now, and we have more company/visitors, and we occasionally go out these days, and I can see the benefits for the kiddlywinks. Fab.
  • I was tortured by my GP yesterday (not his fault, he's a sweetheart, but the pain is very real even if he didn't mean to cause it) so I am a little unavailable; even when I'm online, I'm probably just sitting on a hot water bottle and window-shopping to take my mind off the excruciating agony (is that not overstating, a bit? what other kind of agony is there?) so no one be offended if I'm not around for a few days.
  • Finally, I hope everyone is happy and whole and enjoying what passes for summer in the Northeast/Midlands. Those of you down South, you *may* actually enjoy something that is a bit like summer. The rest of us will imagine what it's like (though I'm actually a bit partial to rain and wind, myself) while cheering ourselves up with trips to indoor attractions (yay for Sealife Aquatic Centres).

I love you guys, and as always, I appreciate you reading my whingy little blog... even when you sign on under fake names, to post narky comments, you-know-who-you-are. Even then, I thank you for your time and energy. You're a splendid little bunch of blokes, really, and I'm continually pleased and surprised to have you about.

*group kiss*

1 comment:

Dan said...

*group kiss* ??

With tongues ?? :p