Thursday 26 February 2009

Fucked OFF

I am. As the title indicates.

D'you know something? Men are assholes. Even the ones who aren't intentionally assholes, are careless and unfeeling and emotionally thick. Which makes them assholes.

'Nice guys' are the biggest assholes of all.

Fuck you guys.

No, well, not all of you. Manwich, for example, you've done nothing to incur my wrath. Most of the rest of you can get fucked, though.

Especially you. You know who you are. Fuck you.


Spyke said...

Sorry but its true men are Pure Evil.

Spyke XX

BitterCandleGirl said...

Lol. Including you, no? But, no. You're not. Not to me, anyway... it's sex that makes people evil, and we've never had that problem. We're like family. Not even on each other's radar.