Sunday 7 December 2008

untitled happy entry

I'm tired of being unhappy. I want to write something else tonight, something that won't make me sad.

I love music. Not all music, certainly, and probably not even most music, but the music I do like, I love. And as with all things I love, I tend to get a bit obsessed. And, I have a crazily good memory, when I choose to activate it.

All things considered, if I wanted to finish this entry with nothing but lines from my favourite songs, I could definitely do it; and I reckon I could do it well enough that I wouldn't get caught. Although that would be amusing, and terribly clever of me, I'm going to decline. Instead, I'm going to focus on one of the aspects of one of my favourite types of music.

I love lovesongs, but most especially, I love lovesongs about women. Not all lovesongs about women--I hate the song, 'Woman,' though that may be because I think John Lennon + Yoko Ono = the destruction of a mostly good band and a load of worthwhile friendships--but most lovesongs to/about women are lovely.

There's a singer/songwriter you've never heard of, he was mad famous back in the day (like a decade before I was born) and his song, 'Something in The Way She Moves' is a perfect example. Slow, soft melody, low, gentle voice, and the lyrics... they're so understated, so quiet, you almost don't realise that it's a song about man battling his horrific inner demons, and only making it through because she's there, distracting him, soothing him, making him forget how much pain he's in until he's managed to work through it.

Considering the song was written by a current and/or recovering heroin addict (he was definitely an addict at the time, but I'm not sure whether he'd started the recovering bit yet) it's a powerful thing, to imagine a woman sticking beside him and actually knowing him well enough to be able to help him through all that. The image, if you can get it in your head, can't be anything less than utterly moving.

But I digress. The point is, it's a beautiful song. And I like beautiful songs. I like beautiful things, period. In fact, the key line from my favourite song is, 'man, I wish I was beautiful;' my admiration of beauty extends even to myself, in that I wish I had some.

See, I told you. Like it = love it = obsessed. Lovesongs, beauty, new people, whatever, as soon as I'm interested, I'm a goner. Untold amounts of my time, energy, appreciation and effort will drop, kerplunk! into the toiletbowl of my newest hobby. Which wouldn't be so bad, except I never seem to let go... most of the songs I loved at age 11, I still love, the friends I had then, I miss now, and the beauty obsession has been a lifelong thing.

Which is good for you, if you like me. Not so good for me, since chances are, I'll still love you long after you've moved away/lost my number/stopped replying to my emails... but that's only the case with people. A lovesong, I can keep with me wherever I go. If I really love it, I can keep it in my very head (crazy memory, remember?). And every time I play it, either audibly or in my head, I'll find something new to appreciate and enjoy.

Am I the only one who feels this way, about songs/lyrics and particularly lovesongs? I hope not, but I only know of one person who's as obsessed with lovesongs as I am, and he's imaginary... even if I'm all alone in my admiration, I still feel better for loving lovesongs. And for writing this. And for using the word 'love' approximately 800 times in a dozen paragraphs. Well that's both exaggeration and understatement, respectively, but you get the point.

I'm gonna use the word just twice more. I love lovesongs.

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