Monday 22 December 2008

New Friend?

Right. Daily rant aside (because we all know I have to get these things out of my system) something nice did happen to me this week. Actually, technically speaking, it was last week--whether you count Saturday as the 6th or 7th day of the week, the Saturday preceding Monday belongs to the previous week--but in days, obviously, it was within the last 7.

Blah. Blah. Blah. I'm babbling. It happens. I'll move on.

My point was, something nice happened to me. Not that nice things don't happen to me all the time, they do, and in spite of my pessimistic and vitriolic view of my personal life, I'm actually quite a fan of life in general, I'm a regular cliche-spouting tree-hugging hippie in the main part of my soul, and I firmly believe that good things are a regular life occurrence... but this was an unexpected good thing.

Have you ever met someone, and they turned out to be SO MUCH BETTER in real life, than you thought they would be? It doesn't happen much; generally, meeting someone new goes the other way, and you wind up killing time with someone who, although they're probably a perfectly acceptable person, is about as far from your mental wavelength as a person can be.

Or they're just thick, and they use the internet to mask it. You know the type. Via IM or text, their responses are always witty enough, but they arrive a little more slowly than you'd expect. When questioned, the apparent God of Wit blames the time lapse on AOL/msn/their phone/the network they use... then, you meet them in real life, make a comment that would certainly have prompted a humourous response online, albeit after a slight delay.... and suddenly, with no technology to take the fall, you find yourself trapped in that same 10-second-delay place.

Oh, no, you think to yourself, but it's no good, you have to stay at least an hour, and make small talk with this random individual whose brain works at approximately one-third the speed of yours. Not that this makes them a bad person, you know it doesn't, and you feel like such a bitch for even thinking nasty thoughts about them... it's not their fault they're not as quick as you, and god knows, it's not like you're the sharpest knife in the drawer, you have plenty of spoon days yourself... but you cannot make yourself like someone who takes at least 5 seconds to respond to EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE you utter.

Well. That's the opposite of what happened to me on Saturday. Or maybe not the opposite--I don't think my new friend was sitting there thinking I was thick as pigshit, and that would be the opposite of the situation I've just described, wouldn't it?--but the general experience felt like the opposite of bad. It felt good. A meeting of (slightly deranged, reasonably unique, mostly intelligent) minds. 2 souls, flying along on the same wavelength, like crazy random birds who, a hundred miles apart, are in perfect formation.

Wasn't that a poetic description? I was going to come up with another descriptive sentence, but I liked that one so much, I'm just going to leave it there. Lol.

At any rate. The point is, I maybe, just maybe, just might have a new friend. And, y'know, I could use one. Though that's an interesting word choice... 'use' one... I'm not making a sexual joke (though I'm aware of the potential for innuendo in that word)... I'm pondering the action of 'using' people, i.e. to achieve one's own ends.

Luckily, in this case, the simple acquisition of a genuine friend IS the end in itself. There is no ulterior motive. Just to have some company in my loneliness, just to be a little less alone, is enough.

I'm already planning next time. I'm compiling a list of movies. Man-movies, for the most part (my favourite kind, or one of my favourite kinds) because my new friend requires an education in manly films. Although. Oh dear. What if he doesn't like them??? There's usually a reason people don't watch a certain type of film. I'm hoping the reason here is simply that he hasn't discovered the best man-films, that he doesn't have the necessary skills to find good movies to watch... but what if he just doesn't like them???

This could throw everything into chaos.

But, for once, instead of worrying (after all, he passed the first test with flying colours) I'm just going to relax. Just for today, maybe even just for a few hours, I'm going to be happy. It can't hurt me to feel happy just for a little while. Can it? No, it can't.

*raises glass in imaginary toast* So. Here's to new friends. And happiness. And rainbows and flowers and ponies and.... ahem. Sarcasm aside (it's so hard for me)... to new friends *clink*

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