Friday 16 January 2009

New Year

This year seems to be passing me by without any updates to this blog... as usual, when I'm happy-ish, I write less. Not that this is likely to be a trend for the entire year, haha. We'll be lucky to last the full month.

Did you make any Resolutions this year? I did. Make new friends, and keep them, and just generally be happier. Both laudable, albeit unlikely, goals. I also intend to lose some weight, because I'm looking more and more like Staypuffed every time I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, but not this week. This week, I'm eating in an effort to self-anaesthetise. Bleeding nipples and breastfeeding do not go well together, and as always, food numbs the pain.

Not that I've resorted to food-coma for a while. I had actually gotten to the point of eating when hungry, and mostly having healthy food, when this recent affliction set in. Sadly for me, I can't take lovely drugs while breastfeeding, so pain-relief through chocolate it is.

Seriously. I'm not an addict. I'm just in pain.

Which is a not-so-oblique reference to the subject of my LAST blog entry, but moving right along.

Hmmm. Lots of hyphens and fragments today, I see. I'm clearly out of the habit of writing. Which is exactly why I need to get back into it. But then, do I have anything to say... I miss my folks. I have to go back to work soon. I think I have Aspergers Syndrome. None of this matters.

Okay. How about a little nonsense, then? I like pies. Pretty much all kinds, but for the moment, I'm on a chicken and mushroom pie kick. Mmmm. Of course, mushrooms are one of the greatest foods ever invented. Well done, God. Tasty, abundant, less fatty than meat while being a handy substitute for most beefy recipes, and they have a cool name. Not that God named them, mind you--we get credit for that--but does He have to do everything? I hardly think that's fair. He did enough just by creating them.

Now there's a good topic. I like to bitch, but I often don't spend enough time on the nice things God created. Like, say, Hugh Laurie (okay, I'll stop, I'm moving on). But, like, mushrooms. Mmmm. Or the smell of petrol. Or the way babies have fat, squeezable legs. Or the feeling of a fluffy, snuggly jumper, when you're lounging around and your house is just that shade too chilly (hence wearing the jumper). The colour teal. Blue eyes. Irish accents. My pink-and-purple shiny quilt.

Again, some of those items are man-made, but my mother would argue that God created us, so whatever we create, He gets partial credit for. I agree with that philosophy. If I write a book which inspires someone else to write a spin-off series, I should get some of the profits.

Although my mother, being very devout, would say that God gets full credit, because all inspiration comes from Him, etc... I want some credit of my own, though. A little appreciation for all the human effort that goes into what I do.

Not to mention, if God created the entire universe, and He's also penning this blog, He's got some explaining to do. It'd be like Mozart... no, wait, he did write that. Okay, it'd be like a fully mature Mozart writing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, after he'd already written The Marriage of Figaro. It would be a huge regression. A possible sign of dementia. A damn waste.

So, I'm taking the credit for this blog. Sorry, God... (but in fairness, God's God, right? I'm sure He understands).

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