Tuesday 6 January 2009

I Know This Guy...

I know this guy. He's a great guy. Not bad-looking, intelligent, good-natured, makes me laugh all the time.

Ha, you thought I was gonna say that I don't fancy him, didn't you? Well you're wrong. I DO fancy him, a lot.

That's one problem I don't have. I don't pretend to like nice guys, while shitting on them and chasing after bad boys. I like a bit of sarcasm in my men, but it needs to be tempered with sweetness, or I'm not interested. Period.

And shame on all those stupid men and women who treat their perfectly nice other halves like dirt, and chase after bitches (of either gender). But before I digress (sorry, it's late and I'm sleep-deprived AND I've been saving all my material because...)

I know this guy. A great guy. Not great as in, I like him but not that way; I definitely like him that way. But. I was thinking about it, and he's kind of... there was kind of another guy, first.

A long time ago, I knew this guy. I still know him, but not as well as I did. And I've had a crush on him--nothing terminal, just a mild case of the yums which very rarely explodes into a day or two of full-blown pining before settling down again--since, oh, before it was legal.

Don't get the wrong idea. He's my little sister's friend, I was only legal about a year before he was. Moving swiftly on.

So, the original guy... he's a cutie. I remember looking at him one day, and wondering why my sister hadn't jumped him (they've been friends since they were about 12, you'd think something would've happened, I snogged my best gay guy friend at least 3 or 4 times growing up). And then, a few months later, it happened again, I was just looking at him (he's got the bluest eyes) and before I knew it, wham! lust had sneaked up behind me and taken my breath away.

And since then, I've been plotting fairly continuously to steal his virginity. Why? It's what I do... LOL no it's not. But the guy back home... he's a little bit special. Not least of all because I grew up with him, and he's younger than me, and I feel a certain instinct to protect him. Shield him. Make sure he's alright.

Somehow, in my mind, that translates to having sex. Not always--but in this case. I know he's shy. I know he's maybe a little bit... damaged (not that my sister has ever told me anything personal about him, but it's just the way he is... he deflects questions with a joke, or admits fairly sad details with a laugh and a shrug... something's going on there).

And my new... well, this guy I know. He reminds me, more than is comfortable, of this other guy. So I guess the question is, DO I really like this guy? Or is it just some residual attraction to the other guy, kick-starting my reaction to this one?

I'm going to post this now, and probably get hate mail. But at least it'll be honest hate mail, about an honest entry. I'd rather be honest, than kind.

Besides. Even if he's earning extra brownie points, I still like him underneath that. Just, maybe not as much as I think I do?......

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